Typical Project Scope Includes the Following:

Brand Naming

  • Soft-strategy meetings around target audience.
  • Audit, and discussion of what you are looking for out of a name. 
  • Defining, narrowing, and vetting of potential, and/or chosen names. 

Brand Strategy

  • Application and development of cultural systems that reinforce and develop brand DNA through the mission, pillars, and values.
  • Workshopping and development of customer journey. 
  • Outside and parallel soft-market research. 
  • Development of clear strategy to target audience while enforcing customer journey and engagement. 
  • Understanding, clarifying, and extending brand and product-related experiences across applicable touchpoint. 

Art Direction and Messaging

  • Development of social media strategy and implementation of strategy for majors platforms such as instagram. 
  • Art direction and photography development for product and lifestyle imagery as it could be used across brand assets and platforms. 
  • Clarifying and establishing basic foundations for brand voice, and communication. 

Identity + Typographic Systems

  • Research, evaluation, design, and/or refinement of wordmark, logo, symbology and other visual iconography core to the brand. 
  • Development and implementation of typographic language, and heirarchy across touchpoints reinforcing brand voice and strategy. 
  • Defined color-palette including main, secondary, and tertiary colors. 
  • Motion research, definition and core development. 
  • Secondary imagery/treatment design and curation. 
  • Development and implementation of finalized brand across speculative touchpoints and related aspects to the brand experience defined during the Brand Strategy Phase. 
  • Direction and mplementation of illustration 2d and/or 3d. 
  • Data visualization design and organization. 

Website Design and Graphics

  • Visual research + brand development and translation of identity into multiple-page types matching scope and audit of existing touchpoints or references established during the Discovery Phase. 
  • Wire-framing to reflect multiple page types mutually agreed upon and outlined during Discovery Phase. 
  • Consultation on and/or facilitating the development of the designed website.

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01933—Fulfillment, Manufacturing, Design, Strategy. e2017
Interest & Curiosity for the Future © 2024 MF9.world – An Untitled L.L.C. Company 1517 W 400 S, Orem, Utah, 84058 U.S.A.